Distilleria Andrea Da Ponte (Client)

Distilleria Andrea Da Ponte is an Italian Wine company. The company was founded by Andrea Da Ponte in Conegliano IN ITALY In 1896. The company produce wines and the highest quality of distilled beverages and they are World leader in grappa production.

YG design (Design Agency)

The company headquarters is in Italy. The company has 2 offices in Argentina, Chile. Founded in 2007 with 50 employees, the company’s focus is on bottle design with the slogan of “They grow grapes, we grow sales.” The company has won 13 awards between 2008-2017.

The Design

During daytime the label looks elegant and contemporary, while at night it brightens up and the brand shines in the dark.

The company wanted to increase the market of this classic drink with its contemporary looking packaging. The target audience of the design is young people (20-45). An attractive packaging for the target audience was the basis of this project. The agency created a design that catches the customers’ attention and can change colors according to the amount of light.


Golden Design Award Winner in 2017

Category : Packaging Design

The project started November 2015 and finished in 2016

Creative Director Sharon Werner

Packaging Substrate:Plastic

Printing Process : Flexography, Screen printing, Foil stamping, Glow in the dark